A roof mounted hoop is mounted to a typical two car garage using the driveway asphalt driveway as great playing area.

A roof mounted hoop is mounted to a typical two car garage using the driveway asphalt driveway as great playing area.

A roof mounted hoop is mounted to a typical two car garage using the driveway asphalt driveway as great playing area.

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Boosted Roof King Platinum on white two-car garage
Nick's two car garage is a perfect fit for the Roof King Platinum.
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2 Car Garage
Photo albums that include basketball goal systems on driveways with a two car garage and driveway.
Asphalt Concrete Blacktop
Some great photos of what can be done using blacktop (a.k.a. asphalt concrete or pavement) existing and new.
Photos of basketball goals utilizing the driveway as a great playing area.
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